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University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, Rome, Italy University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy


The aim of the paper is to describe the literary competence of teachers as a dimension of the knowledge for the teaching, which can be extended to all aspects of the professional teacher transformation. Among the various knowledge, competences, and dispositions the shape its legacy, the literary competence becomes the main turning point between pedagogical knowledge and specialized knowledge, between core and characterizing disciplines. The literary competence lives in the intersection between different kinds of competence (linguistic competence, communication competence, reading competence, writing competences, interpretive competence, discursive competence, cultural competence, cross-cultural competence, pragmatic and strategic competence and social competence). The approach offers a framework for pedagogy of the literary competence in the teacher training as substantial experience and expertise able to increase the professional repertoire of teachers in training fields. This paper provides food for thought for enrichment and enhancement of the literary competence and its use in teaching.


literary competence, higher education, initial teacher training, teaching-learning processes

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