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Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico


Migration is a process that can be seen threatened or obstructed by diverse factors of risk. Its experience and survival by definition implies change. A decisive factor to achieve the good operation and the adaptation to a new culture is the confrontation strategies development. The objective of the present investigation was to identify which the confrontation strategies are used by migrants, to explore which the perception and appraisal that do of the risks are; as well as to evaluate the existing relation among both, as a way to observe the level of adaptation achieved by in a sample of 157 Mexican migrants in the United States (Riverside, L.A., C.A.), to whom applied the risk and protection factors scales (Dominguez & Polo, in press) and the multi-dimensional and multi-situational of coping scale (Gongora & Reyes, 1998) in short version and under a cuanti-cuali model. The results permitted to appreciate that in the case of the problem solution, strategies of the daily life are the five factors of the risk and protection factors scale; while are six factors of the coping styles scale that explain the 64.43% of the variance. With these results, we will do other analyses that show the more abuses, family vulnerability, discrimination, difficulties in the management of the language and the fear of deportation are perceived, the less they resort to direct strategies and spreads in greater measure to passive strategies and the perception of the social support is lower. The adaptative confrontation strategies development (directs and actives) can help the migrant population to face in a more efficient way the risks that are seen exposed and serve as protection factors.


coping, risk factors, protection factors, migrants

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