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1. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tebessa, Tebessa 12002, Algeria
2. Faculty of Architecture, University of Constantine 3, Ali Mendjeli 25016, Algeria
3. Institute of Urbanism of Lyon, University of Lyon 2, Berthelot 69007, France


El Eulma has become an important node of transnational informal trade. It maintains strong relationships with international market places since the period where the “Trabendo” have seen a wide development in Algeria. On the national and regional level, the city of El Eulma is the main element of the network of informal merchant areas known by “Doubaï” markets. The most important areas are located in the central and eastern of Algeria. This dual membership was conferred to it because of the strong presence of import companies and the existence of discrete and dynamic networks well-organized, formed of false importers. This article focuses on commercial trajectories, the forms of networks and their developments and tries to know the logic. From these trajectories, how the merchant places could be formed in Algeria, as was the case for El Eulma.


Trabendo, international nodes of informal trade, “Doubaï” markets of Algeria, discrete networks of globalization from below, silk road.

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