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University West, Trollhättan, Sweden University of Gothenburg; Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology; Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg, Sweden


This study focuses on young persons with ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and ASD (autism spectrum disorders), and on their everyday life. Follow-up studies on ADHD and ASD persisting into adulthood describe residual impairments affecting everyday life. Previous studies have focused on interventions and programmes aiming to support these young persons in their attempts to learn, understand and manage social interaction in real life. However, few studies involve the young person’s reflections on their own view of their everyday life. The aim was to elucidate how young persons with ADHD and ASD describe aspects of everyday life based on analysis of Internet-based chat logs. Twelve young persons (seven males and five females aged 15-26 years) with ADHD and ASD participated in an eight-week IBSC (internet-based support and coaching) study, comprising chat via Internet. Data consisted of 12 chat logs (445 pages of text) produced interactively by the participants and their personal coaches. The text was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Two themes were revealed: (1) “When performance is an achievement” with the subthemes; “to cope with the problems caused by the disability”, “the impact of treatment on performance”, and “to perform well enough”; and (2) “When social life is an achievement” with the subthemes; “desire for closeness” and “dealing with social relations”. The study reveals the young persons’ efforts to overcome obstacles to performance and social interaction stemming from their disabilities. They master strategies in terms of SOC while simultaneously they actuate their laborious transition into adulthood. Their ability to express these processes in an IBSC chat became evident. Using e-coaching in this population makes available new opportunities for health-care professionals to pay serious attention to these young persons’ problems.


ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), autism, qualitative content analysis, effects of medication, everyday life, Internet-based support, social interaction, young persons

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Britt Hedman Ahlström, & Elisabet Wentz. (2015). Performance and Social Life Perceived by Young Persons With ADHD and Autism: A Chat-Log Analysis. Psychology Research, 5(2), 114-124.


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