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Department of Engineering and Math, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB, United Kingdom


Computational fluid dynamic tests are performed on delta wing models at different heights and speeds in order to achieve lift and drag coefficient values. Primarily, testing was done at supersonic speeds to reveal the advantages of these wing configurations at supersonic flight regimes at a cruise speed and altitude. The low speed characteristics are also examined, important for take-off and landing regimes where the distinctive vortices become prominent. Throughout the two flight conditions tested, a simple delta wing model (with a straight swept wing) is compared to a delta wing model that exhibited an LERX (leading edge root extension). Provided literature describes how the performance of delta wings can be improved through this inclusion. Results obtained from the tests show that the model with the LERX has a small, but significant, performance improvement over the simple delta model, in respect to the maximum achievable lift coefficient and maximum stall angle. Lift to drag ratio is not improved however, due to the large vortices creating pressure drag. Generally, the delta wing models produce relatively small amounts of drag, and slightly less lower lift, when at low angles of attack. This is primarily due to the geometry of the models that have thin leading edges and also low thickness to chord ratios.


LERX, vortex breakdown, vortex burst, buffeting, maximum lift coefficient, maximum stall angle.

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